Latest stable version: Checking...
Registry status:


    Schema mentioned that we would be holding off on releasing the new crafting system recipes so that we can get some play testing done on it.  So, now that version 0.1726 is available to download as a Dev version, you can update to this latest build and try the crafting system out for yourself.  The Dev Server will be running the latest builds, so if you want to test the crafting out in a multiplayer environment, use this IP

    Speaking of the Dev Server, you may also use it to preveiw all the stations entered win the Default Station Contest.  The first poll for that is now available

     Check out the stations on the server, check out their content pages, browse the pictures, and then vote a total of 5 times for your favorite stations.  This poll is only for the Trade Guild entries, the next two polls should be up within a day or two.  

    Other news on the Dev Build is that new item descriptions are in the works (many are already in) the shop lists are getting some vitally needed re-organization.  

    Remember to remind your friends to vote on the stations!

    Thanks for playing
